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As you consider making a request for a grant from the Foundation, the following information may be of help in understanding our grant parameters,


  1. All grant requests must be Augustinian endorsed.***

  2. The Foundation prefers to support groups which demonstrate a collaborative relationship with other funding sources.

  3. The Foundation favors grants for projects which will eventually become self-sustaining.  The Foundation does not provide continuous support for projects to the extent that the project becomes dependent upon the Foundation for its continued existence.

  4. Grants are made for a single purpose (one-time) or may be for multiple years (not to exceed three years) with an annual renewal review.  Normally they will not be made for the ordinary operating budget of the organization (i.e., sustaining operations).

  5. Grants will be made only to entities in the U.S. with verified 501(c)(3) status; outside of the U.S. a comparable status must be verified.


The Foundation encourages applicant organizations to reflect on the Foundation’s mission and their own to clarify how the grant will serve the missions of both.


With limited resources and many needs, the accompanying application form provides the Foundation with the necessary information to make grants that will be fruitful and significant for those who receive them.  Members of the Foundation staff will be more than happy to answer any questions you many have. 


May God continue to bless the good work He has begun in all of us. 


***An endorser is a person who has knowledge of the mission and operations of the organization requesting funding. An endorser must be an individual member of the Order of St. Augustine and/or the leadership of the Augustinian entity receiving and/or connected with the grant. In addition, international applications for Augustinian projects must be approved by the General Council of the Order of St. Augustine and the Provincial Council of the Province of St. Augustine.


(not in preferential order)


1. Community building and pastoral care.

2. Care of newcomers to our communities.

3. Education.

4. Response to immediate concerns of the needy.


Favored aspects of these areas: Building human capacity for unity, truth and love in the spirit of St. Augustine.



January 1

June 30

July to August

October 15

November 15

Applications Available

Applications Are Due

Foundation Board Review and Decisions

Notification Sent To Applicants By

Grant Checks Mailed By

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